Special offers

Free trial sessions
For a child to settle into life at Teilos tots we offer 3 one hour trial sessions, allow children to experience Teilos Tots before their journey begins with us.

Refer a friend
Refer a friend, if the child attends Teilos Tots for 3 months or more you will received £50 discount on the fourth month’s invoice

30 hour free childcare offer
We are signed up to Welsh Governments 30 hour free childcare offer.
For further info please speak to Leanne Evans Teilos Tots manager

Being adventurous, splashing in puddles, painting our hands or maybe our faces is all part of the fun here at Teilos Tots. Please, please do not dress your child in their best clothing and always ensure that there is a change of clothes in their bags just in case!
We have t-shirts and hooded jumpers on sale at Teilos Tots so you will never have to worry about spoiling your children’s clothes again!